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10 Amazing Facts of Fruits You Probably Did Not Know

10 Amazing Facts of Fruits You Probably Did Not Know

  • banana is not a fruit, it is a herb!
  • Being easy to digest and highly nutritious, these are the first fruits offered to babies.
  • Strawberries are the only fruit with seeds on the outside. There are 200 seeds in an average strawberry.
  • Red-coloured fruits keep your heart strong.
  • Orange -coloured fruits tend to keep your eyes healthy.
  • Yellow-coloured fruits prevent you from getting sick.
  • The seeds of lychee are poisonous and should not be consumed.
  • A cucumber is not a vegetable but a fruit.
  • Tomatoes are not a veggie but a fruit. They are regarded as the world’s most popular fruit and have more genes than humans.
  • Eating an apple is a more reliable method of staying awake than consuming a cup of coffee as it gives you more energy. The natural sugar in an apple is more potent than the caffeine in coffee.
  • Pumpkins and avocados are not vegetables. They are fruits.
  • According to one study, avocados are the most nutritious fruits in the world.

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